What we are trying to accomplish here is to have a nationwide safety net of DADDs that will be available when needed. It doesn’t cost one thin dime to put this in place and it will save lives. What we do need is money to help us bring the message to the ones who need it most. Our youth need to hear how drunk driving has claimed the lives of so many people and changed the lives of those families forever. Our goal is to secure speakers who will go to schools, churches and other organizations and give a personal and candid presentation as to how drunk driving has impacted their lives and how our youth can avoid becoming another statistic. Other educational resources will be developed as funding permits. In order to keep initial operating expenses to a minimum we ask that you mail contributions to the address below. Make sure your address is legible and we’ll send a DADD decal for your vehicle. Thank you for your support.
Mailing Address:
P O Box 2817
Sumter, SC 29151
Questions? Call or email DADD -
(803) 774.2405 | info@DADD.org