
It’s a Commitment. Not an Empty Promise.

Young, inexperienced drivers die from making simple mistakes. The only way for them to gain the experience needed is through trail and error over time. Some will make it through this stage but some will not. When alcohol is involved crashes of teen drivers the chance of survival is less than 50%. As parents we have a responsibility to train our youth to drive safely, educate them on the dangers of poor driving habits and most of all protect them when they need it. We take this commitment seriously and have created a “contract for life” that you and your children can enter to protect them.

DADD Cares! Here’s Why.

Automobile crashes are the #1 killer of our kids nationwide.  Of all the fatal crashes where a teen was killed 60% involved alcohol.   In the first year of driving a sober teen is 10 times more likely to have and accident than a driver with just 2 years of driving experience.  A teenage male driver who has been drinking is 18 times more likely to crash than a non drinking teenage male.  A female teen is 54 times more likely to have a crash than a non drinking female teen. Alcohol is the first drug used by our youth and unfortunately has the most deadly affects on driving ability.  80% of high school students have tried alcohol.  40% of high school students drink given the opportunity. If you care about your kids and their friends you can help prevent some of this carnage.  Find out more.